Thumpin’ the Thumos

Can you hear it?
Can you hear it?

I love learning new words!!!

Thumos – Greek – “passion” – as if breathing hard – also described as “spiritedness”

Homer (the Greek Homer, not the Simpson) used it in various ways to illustrate the driving force behind some of his characters.

The author of Hebrews uses the word in chapter 11 (Hall of Faith). In describing Moses’ faith, he said that Moses left Egypt – not fearing the king’s anger (or wrath).

But the translated word “anger” is a very emphatic word. We’re not simply saying the king was a wee bit upset or a tad grumpy. The king was seriously mad. The king was livid. His rage was bursting out!

Of course, we know that is was this very rage that caused him to then call the army out to chase the Israelites – even though the nation had just endured plagues and great calamities. The nation then lost their king and army…

But I want to focus on the positive concept of “thumos” and why it is important for the Church.

Passion – Drive – Energy

When you stop for a moment to consider the “thumos” of your church, what comes out in your mind? What would you say is that which leads people to step out of the comfort of a pew and into ministry? What would you say is that which makes them step outside of the safety of the four walls of a building and actually live out their faith?

If nothing springs to your mind, turn the thought inward. What makes you want to BE the Church? What drives you to service?

 Here’s a strange way to look at it:

What if you are still ALIVE tomorrow?

What would you do with your faith?

Yours in Christ,

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