Tag Archives: agnosticism

Marriage, life or sex? Where did we lose value?

Yes, I did put the word “sex” in the blog for today. But I think it is time to “have the talk.”

There has been much ado in the media lately about gay marriage with the comments by Miss America Carrie Prejean. Of course, this isn’t anything new. A few months ago, it was all about Bristol Palin. Before that, it was something else…

I was emailed a link to an ABC news story report detailed the statistics of “Kids Born to Unwed Moms Hit Record High.” In the United States, the percentage is 40%. I think that is sad.

What I can’t figure out is where the disintegration begin? When did the downward slide start?

Was it when divorce rates started increasing? Many may point to the devaluing of life when Roe v. Wade began allowing abortion. Others will say it was the rise of sexual promiscuity (and drug use) in the 60’s.

Honestly, I don’t really know. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I think it started somewhere around the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Sin was introduced into the world and it’s all gone downhill from there. That answer won’t satisfy many, but it’s the one that is the most clear.

Something is seriously going wrong in the U.S. though. Those things that were once considered “wrong” are not anymore. Moral relativism, secular “logic,” agnosticism and other philosophies have risen. What’s “right” for one person is supposed to be OK even if others disagree.

Now, I don’t think I live in a bubble. I don’t believe in a utopian world of rainbows and butterflies. I’ve had to deal with sin and its ramifications in my life and in the lives of those around me. Stuff does happen.

But it is what we do after that stuff happens that really matters.

Again, I do believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He is the answer. I think a careful study of God’s Word is the solution to turning around the moral slide.

God’s Word is clear on marriage. God’s Word is clear on the value of human life. God’s Word is clear on the purpose (and place) of sex.

How can we bring people back to the anchor that is found in God’s Word? How can we return to a basic sense of right and wrong so that the slide stops and the trend reverses?

Pray we can find an answer…

Yours in Christ,
