Tag Archives: volunteer

A mouse trap can be a snap!

We had a lot of fun in our spiritual growth hour this past Sunday. I did a quick activity w/some kids. Quick summary:

  • I set and then snapped a mouse trap in front of the kids (using a pen).
  • Then, I asked some adults to set 10 traps and put them on the floor.
  • I asked for a child to volunteer and then put a blindfold on him. (Kind of knew it would be a boy…)
  • I asked him to walk forward. After he refused, I offered to lead him. He still refused!
  • Then, I asked for another volunteer – this one had seen me take out the pen to snap the traps – and we walked forward.
  • We read through Psalm 119:11 and Proverbs 3:5-6 and talked to the kids about trusting God and others who love them to help them navigate dangers.
  • Used a Family Night slogan – “If it looks good, ask God if you should.”

Kids and adults really seemed to like it. Make it your own and give it a try for your kids!

Yours in Christ,


And THANK YOU too!

I can’t forget to say my thanks too!

Your prayers, encouragement and support this past year have been truly wonderful. We’ve seen tremendous signs of growth while also struggling through some difficulties. Throughout it all, you’ve been there!

We’ve served in churches from California to Pennsylvania and New Jersey to North Carolina. We’ve seen snow in Minnesota and sun in Georgia. God continues to use Lay Renewal to serve the Church.

I’d love to list out the name of everyone here, but I know that is not the right thing to do. However, I will thank our Board, the team in St. Louis (in alphabetical order: Diane, Jenny, Kathy, Lauana, Lisa, Megan, Nita, Ruth, Tom and Tommy), our faithful coastal Area Directors (Larry and Norris) and all of the coordinators, team members, prayer warriors and volunteers who so faithfully serve God through His ministry at LRM. 

You are wonderful servants of the Lord!

As we look to the New Year, please know that we are excited about the opportunities God is presenting. Please also know that we need your support to continue moving forward. If you want to be on our prayer team, let us know. If you are interested in volunteering your time or helping out with a project, let me know. If you can support the ministry through a gift, that would be a blessing too! We operate on a shoestring, so every little bit helps!

If you can’t give financially, PLEASE PRAY! God provides and we praise Him for it!


Yours in Christ,

I don’t want to talk about it…

Today is Election Day and I really don’t want to talk about it. Please don’t misunderstand me. I do believe it is important. I was in line at 5:40 AM and waited over an hour to cast my ballot.

The point is this – Parties from both sides have done everything they could. Now it is up to voters to show up and do their part. Tomorrow we’ll be saturated with results and life will still go on. If your side “loses,” it is up to you to continue to do your part to work for the change you believe in.

It’s hard to not talk about it though…

I do believe in the process. I do believe in the potential. I do value those who commit themselves to serving their country. But, it is a little like the church.

I believe in the church. I believe it is God’s chosen instrument for reaching a lost and dying world. I believe Christ commanded His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples. I believe in those who commit themselves to serving God through their church.

The problem arises when those who have committed themselves to serving the church turn away from that calling.

What do I mean?

You volunteered to serve in the nursery but stop showing up. You volunteered to host a small group but later rescinded. And so on… To be blunt, once you became a member, the process of serving through your church took second place.


I need to stop saying “you” and start saying “I.” There have been times I started and stopped. There have been many times I quit when things didn’t work out the way I’d hoped.   

Believe it or not, I’d like to encourage you today.

God has a plan and a purpose for your life. He has given you incredible and special gifts to use for His glory. You are unique. Take a few moments today to reflect on how special you are. (Not in an egotistical manner – but in a PRAISE GOD! way.) It is BECAUSE He has gifted you that you should look for opportunities to serve Him. It is BECAUSE He has blessed you that you should continue to step forward.

Let’s stop talking about so much of this stuff and start doing some stuff.

What can you do today to glorify God?

Now – What are you waiting for? Do it!

Yours in Christ,