Tag Archives: Yancey

God in Pain and Tourette’s

Sometimes, the more interesting discussions can take place not on the blog comments but in the private emails. In reading this you may feel a bit like you’ve been listening to a radio program and the hosts come back on laughing. You wonder why but they don’t tell you. And that’s essentially what I’m doing here…

With that vague introduction, I want to spend a few minutes just contemplating faith, Jesus, Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) and life in general.

I don’t know what it is like to feel TS the way my son does. I only know it as a father.  I read a lot (see Cory Friedman – Against Medical Advice post) to try to get a better understanding. I’ll never know completely but I try to empathize as best I can so I can be a better dad.

But I have heard a few comments about the “cruelness” of the disease. A few of those have also made comments toward God. I’m not quite sure what to do with those…

You see, I do NOT see God as cruel. I know God is incredibly loving and mercy filled. I see and experience His grace and mercy every day. 

In contrast, I do know that sin is horrible, tragic and has wrought incredible difficulty on our world. [Don’t misunderstand – I’m NOT saying that Drew sinned so God is punishing him.]

We have sinned. You, me, everyone has fallen short of the glory of God. Sin has consequences. The world is not a perfect place as a result of SIN.

The ramifications don’t always seem fair. My brother grew up with perfect vision while I was legally blind without corrective glasses. While that’s a simplistic example, I’m sure you can think of many more examples of things that don’t seem “fair” in our eyes.

Where is God in all of this? He’s right there. Not as a cruel and harsh gleefully laughing judge but as a kind, compassionate and loving Father. He doesn’t take pleasure in pain. God wants us to turn our hearts to Him in obedience. He wants us to experience His love and peace.

So – what does this mean for those who suffer with Tourette’s (or cancer or Alzheimer’s or poverty or depression or job loss or whatever)?

I don’t have a fancy answer. Try C S Lewis and the Problem of Pain or Philip Yancey’s Where is God When it Hurts. (great books)

But I do have an idea – try leaning a little more on Him. Whatever your issue, trying surrendering a little more of yourself to Him. Realize that we don’t have all the answers, but He is there to offer His love.

Maybe that’s a way of getting a little closer to Him today?

Yours in Christ,
