Tag Archives: renewal

God is so GOOD!

Joliet Celebration Team
Joliet Celebration Team

The Celebration of Faith renewal weekend was a great time of praise, testimonies and fellowship.

Kriss did a fantastic job with the kids. Chris did a great job of working with Jake and the youth. Harry led worship beautifully. The testimonies were powerful as team members spoke from their hearts.

One story: It was really awesome at the men’s luncheon on Saturday afternoon. As we met outside at the rather cold park, I did something a bit off the norm. Three team members shared their witness. Then I asked if any men from the church wanted to share a testimony. Three men volunteered one after another. Had time permitted, I think we would have had more! (Some guys stuck around for quite a long time after.)

The church met for a bit after we left on Sunday afternoon. I look forward to hearing what happened then and will happen in the days ahead. I know we witnessed and experienced something wonderful happening!

Yours in Christ,


What is a “God-incident?”

This past weekend, I was part of a Celebration of Purpose renewal team at a church in New Jersey. It’s such a blessing to be a part of a team and celebrate how God is moving through our lives!

There were a lot of great moments this weekend – including my first trip to a tattoo parlor. (No, I didn’t get one. I simply went there with another team member who wanted to try to share his faith and encourage a potential relationship with the church.)

The most amazing point for me was seeing how God had already worked things out in advance. While I can’t share all the details, I’ll try to give a quick overview.

A heart-wrenching incident had transpired five months ago in the life of a couple on the team. Little did we know, a person at the church had experienced a similar loss several years ago. The person at the church now shares the experience with others and offers a listening ear.

Team members were “randomly” assigned groups and church members counted off to receive their “random” placement.

But is anything “random” with God?

As God arranged things, these two individuals were in the same small group and sitting right next to each other. One shared. Then the other shared. Then the tears and hugs came.

God is so good!

I don’t believe in coincidences. I do believe in God-incidences.

To God be the glory for the things HE has done!

Yours in Christ,


Churches and the “I’m fine” Syndrome

I’m often asked what exactly LRM (Lay Renewal Ministries) is and does. Depending on the person to whom I’m speaking, the answer can be more or less involved. Since I know there are many degrees of reader familiarity, I’ll start with a broad brush in addressing how we serve leadership. Next week, I hope to address how we serve individuals. 

Of course, I’ll start with a story…

I was visiting a church one Sunday morning and mingling about during the fellowship time. While I was doing this, I overheard a woman speaking to a friend. She was relating how she had asked someone “How are you?” and the person actually told her! The woman sharing the story was befuddled and angry while I was confused. Wasn’t that the point of her asking? I guess not…

The response I’m assuming the woman wanted was “I’m fine.” It’s a safe response. It doesn’t require any effort or real reaction on our part.

When I talk to pastors or church leaders and ask them how things are going, the typical first answer is “Fine.” If I press the issue, the response can go a bit deeper – but usually towards the positive. I’ll hear the statistics on the “ABC’s” – Attendance, Building and Cash.

That’s not what I want to hear.

The real issue we need to discuss is two-fold:

  • Are people coming to faith?
  • Are people growing spiritually?

If the responses to those questions are negative or not what is desired, then we begin to delve deeper. As a ministry, we’ve developed a couple of tools that we have seen help churches identify some key benchmarks and set goals for helping believers grow in their walks.

The concept of benchmarks can be uncomfortable for some. Does this mean we are becoming “like the world?”

No. Paul was very clear in his letter to the church in Corinth that we need to grow. The progression of growth in a believer’s walk should be noticeable. In what ways? Here are three simple areas to set benchmarks and goals:

  • Prayer – We move from a laundry list of our ‘wants’ to a seeking of God’s Will.
  • The Word – We move from opening it on Sunday mornings to a regular reading and study.
  • Application – We move from trying to ‘be nice’ to an active life of being the hands and feet of Christ.

So, how does LRM help in this process?

First of all, we approach each church as a unique church. (There are no formulas that will work for every church, so we shouldn’t pretend that there are!) Therefore, we speak with the pastor and leadership in an effort to determine exactly where they believe God is leading them and the church family.

We have a unique diagnostic tool we can use to assess and measure various levels of activity. (We do work with other tools also, but this is the primary one we suggest.) From this tool, we begin to prayerfully discuss and seek how they might move forward for God’s glory.

We meet with the leadership to begin to build or strengthen unity and focus. Depending on the situation, we may work through specific principles we find in our Biblically based leadership material (Basic Leader Training or Leadership Effectiveness Training). These principles are then applied specifically to the church in its unique setting and location. If these are not appropriate, then we take principles found in the Word and work to build a special program that will address where they are and where they hope to go as God leads.

I hope that gives you an introduction of the initial approach to discussing how LRM serves leaders in the church. Over the next few days, I plan to expand on the specific principles found in leadership development and training and how LRM partners with you.

Yours in Christ,


**See also the post on “A Story – SGCIS”

Blessings in back spasms

My back hurts today.

I’m not sure what I did, but it has been modulating between uncomfortable and very painful. It really started yesterday, but today is much worse…

So I’m stuck at my desk. (Yes, I should go home and put on a heating pad…)


“Stuck” at my desk has given me a bit of time to actually talk on the phone, read a few things, catch up on email, etc. These are things I’d normally do during the course of a day, but it has just felt different to not be able to get up and touch base on things. (I don’t like asking people to come see me and I need the exercise!)

So anyway – to the point of being blessed…

I received a phone call this morning from a pastor in the southeast. His church had a renewal event in 1972. Yes, 1972. He is relatively new to the church, but he has been amazed to continue to hear and see so many good things about what God did over 25 years ago. He looked up Bob Fenn (our founder) and the ministry on the Internet and we talked for over an hour.

It is such a blessing to hear that God is continuing to produce fruit after so many years! After the day I had yesterday and the back pain today, I really needed to hear it.

May you be blessed today with good news from a friend!

Yours in Christ,


**And – if no one calls you, maybe you could call someone and bless them!!!