Tag Archives: school

General Tourette’s Update

It’s been a bit, so I thought I would update on Drew’s Tourette’s. (Find older posts by clicking on the sidebar.)

Adjusting to middle school has been an interesting journey. There are a lot of fantastic blessings that have occurred in the last 6 weeks. Drew enjoys the new school and has made several new friends while still hanging out with old classmates.

Of course, we have had those “bumps” that are frustrating. Because Drew is an energetic and engaging person, it can confuse a person when he suddenly goes into a series of tics. Teachers and students alike are learning but I’m still befuddled at the reactions of adults sometimes. Not only do they not understand how to handle it, some think he is faking. Why would someone fake TS?  Mom and dad handle it in different ways of course, but I won’t elaborate on that.  

(On a funny, but not-funny note: I realize that perhaps I say “You can’t fix stupid” a bit too much. My precocious and wonderful daughter used it the other day with a VERY big grin on her face…)

There’s a lot of private stuff that’s been happening that I won’t put on the blog. Your prayers are appreciated as we continue to seek God’s wisdom and direction. Our lives are His and we pray for His direction in our steps.

Yours in Christ,

First Day of School

Today’s the day. Summer has once again FLOWN by and the buses came through our neighborhood to pick up kids for school. 42-15725302

Of course, this year is a bit different because Drew is starting middle school. And Katie, for the first time ever, will be without her big brother at elementary school. (Actually, they won’t be in the same school again until he is a senior and she is a freshman!)

Drew asked me last night if he is growing up too quickly. What kind of question is that for a kid to ask? What even puts that in his mind?!?!

Knowing Drew’s temperament and the way he’s been processing things lately, I tried to glibly bump off the question. I said something to the effect of “Well, I’m pretty sure you are growing at the same rate as everyone else.”

Obviously, another transition year has passed and he didn’t let me get away with that answer. (I still remember losing the “because I said so” line…)

We talked for a bit – looking back to some memories and I admitted it seems like no time has passed since I first held that little nine pound, ten ounce sack of potatoes. But then, I tried to focus on the blessings of today and the possibilities of the future.

As a young man of God, he has an incredible future ahead of him. I’d rather focus on those hopes rather than days gone by. It’s fun (and important) to remember where we’ve been, but we have more control over where we are going.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Proverbs 16:9

Now, what am I going to do when Katie actually wants to go out on a date???

Yours in Christ,

Fresh Slate for Children?

I took yesterday off in order to attend my son’s graduation from Elementary School. He’s off to Middle School next year. Given everything that we’ve all experienced with his Tourette’s Syndrome this past year, it should be an interesting transition.

The necessity of “graduation” seemed a bit peculiar. Why have one for this age? I don’t know the answer to that one, but it was still a good time.

Deep thought moment: What will school be like for my daughter now? (They won’t be in the same school again until he is a high school senior and she is a freshman.) She loves her brother and is a great support for him. (Yes, they do fight too!) But now she is on her own…

Personally, my wife and I are glad for this opportunity for her to have her own “identity.” Certainly, some teachers will know her as Drew’s brother, but fewer students will.

I remember when I moved to a new school and people knew me less for my family. I had a chance to let people know who I was without any preconceptions or the identity I had built up in the shadow of my brother. It was actually kind of fascinating.

My second “fresh slate” was after I accepted Christ. Of course, I didn’t physically move, so people witnessed the fresh slate of my changed life (at least I hope they did!).  

That’s another story though…

Yours in Christ,


Those who forget history…

In 7th grade, our history teacher thought it would be good for us to memorize famous quotations from history. Now, a couple of decades + later, I remember two:

  • From where the sun now stands, Chief Joseph will fight no more forever. (That didn’t turn out very well…)
  • Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. George Santayana

You probably aren’t impressed…

Of course, it is the latter quote that helped to inspire my love of learning history. Learning from error (or learning to avoid it), helps future steps be that much better. We need to learn both from history and from those who lived it.

Because Lay Renewal works with churches of so many different denominations, I have to be a minor student of church history. Whether I need to refresh myself on Wesley (John or Charles), Menno Simons, Calvin, Luther, Knox, Zwingli or any other reformation leader, I find it both enlightening and amazing to read what these men endured for the sake of the Gospel. I have learned and am learning a lot about true courage and wisdom.

SIDE BAR: From time to time, I’m also asked to check out another person in current or recent church life. WOW! There are a lot of folks out there who would benefit so much from reading Scripture and checking out a little from these early church fathers before they speak or write. Last week, I literally felt dirty after checking out a contemporary leader in a “Christian” movement. Test what people say with God’s Word!

Now back to our regularly scheduled blog…

So what? Can you take anything away from these thoughts?

I’m getting ready to cover almost 3,000 miles in the next few weeks. As I speak with pastors and church leaders, I’m praying and expecting everything I say to be filtered through God’s Word by my hearers. I pray that nothing I say will IN ANY WAY cause anyone to stumble or struggle. Let God’s Truth and His Word be the things that are spoken and remembered.

Learning the Word and using it as a filter is important. I know that I would have benefited much more from hiding God’s Word in my heart decades ago. The words of Santayana and Chief Joseph have earthly significance, but Scripture has eternal significance. In the “big picture” of this thing we call life, it is much more valuable than anything else. It should be our compass and guide.

So… As you are going through this day (and the next, and the next, and the next….), remember to spend a bit of time investing yourself in God’s Word. Whether you are able to simply read a chapter or spend an hour studying, each bit of time can be beneficial. The Holy Spirit will bring things to mind when you need them.

Yours in Christ,
